Have you ever had two different people tell you that you should meet someone, and then you met that someone in a totally random situation?
That happened to me in early December, and that’s how I came to learn about Craft Kafe. The someone (Keith) turned out to be an invaluable source of food recommendations, second only to my friend (and sometimes-guest) Rita.
So far Keith is batting 1000.

Still, I’m sort of surprised that I didn’t just sense somehow that Craft Kafe existed. It is the sort of place I pine for when I’m not in New Zealand. Which is 11 months out of the year.
Craft Kafe just has “it”. And you can tell by the loyal patrons showing up again and again.

It’s an easy shot from Gulfport (just head up 58th St and hang a left on Central) or from Treasure Island (head down Gulf Blvd to Central, hang a left and head to 6653 Central Avenue.
Everything we’ve had was delicious. Check out the our pics and their website for ideas.

Oh and super bonus for some of you? It’s gluten-free.
Two locations: downtown and the one on Central Ave. The Central Ave will be more convenient to Treasure Island, St Pete Beach and Gulfport guests.